Singer actor Mark Bautista shared with his fans and followers a glimpse of his new house. Mark shared his happiness that finally his dream of having a house is in near completion.
Mark also added that he is extra happy that very soon, his moms convenience store and his brother’s cafe will also soon be a reality.
On Instagram, Mark posted a video with the following caption:
“Visited the site today. We’ve been working on this since last year pa, now it’s 98.9897% done😄. Gusto ko lang ishare ang bunga ng discipline at focus (excited din akong gamitin yung transition edit😄)kaya eto…
Thanks to my bro @jrb4real for the supervision. Mukhang matutupad na ang pa-convenience store ni mama at cafe ni brother😄Soon🙏🏼 Praise God!”
(Photo source: Instagram – @iammarkbautista)
Source: Showbiz Chika