Sunshine Cruz in isolation but said she is feeling better

Actress Sunshine Cruz admitted that she is isolation but said she is recovering very well. Sunshine did not specifically mentioned the exact illness she is going through but she did mentioned symptoms related to COVID-19.

“Headache, body pain is now more tolerable, cough is not as worse, my sense of taste and smell have improved.” said Sunshine.

Sunshine also expressed her appreciation that she is at home recuperating. Her is her full post:

“Patience is definitely a virtue 🙏🏻❤️

It is already a blessing that I am just isolated in the comfort of my home (most are confined in hospitals or Kalinga Centers.)

I may not see the kids but hearing and chatting over the phone with them makes me look forward to seeing and hugging these princesses of mine once again.

I know I am on my way to recovery. Headache, body pain is now more tolerable, cough is not as worse, my sense of taste and smell have improved. I thank God everyday for I am slowly getting better.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @sunshinecruz718)

Source: Showbiz Chika

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