Singer actress Sharon Cuneta will be celebrating her birthday on January 6 and the megastar took some time out for herself to relax and rejuvenate in preparation for the new year 2021.
Sharon that she went into a vacation to get away and LET GO of all things and people negative and toxic. Sharon expressed her gladness that she is able to find time for herself to relax before going back to reality.
“Made it through all the trials of 2020. Helped happily as much as I could, got hurt, even by some I trusted and loved most; lost people I loved, lost friends but made new ones.
Treasuring my most loyal friends more. Birthday’s coming up and I chose to leave the city. Needed to get away and LET GO of all things and people negative and toxic. Thank God for this opportunity and for huge lessons He woke me up to just before the end of the past year!
Needed this. The beach, a pool villa. Heck I deserve this! Nothing like fresh, clean air and a Covid-free environment! Before going back to reality and doing what I can for others. Sometimes you just gotta put yourself FIRST. Thank God for places like this – my happy place in the country for decades now!
Happy boitday to me in a few days! Love you all! May God shower us with blessings and give us strength and faith! P.S. AND SHINee’s BACK!!!”
(Photo source: Instagram – @reallysharoncuneta)
Source: Showbiz Chika