Frankie Pangilinan reacts to flight attendant incident: “it is always, ALWAYS, the rapist’s fault”

Singer model Frankie Pangilinan reiterated her stand that in rape incidents – it’s always the rapist fault. Frankie was reacting to a recent incident involving a flight attendant who was found lifeless in a hotel bathtub in Makati.

According to reports, the flight attendant spent New Year with her friends.

On her Twitter account, Frankie expressed her dismay over the incident:

“it is never the clothes, never the drinks — never the victim, period. it is always, ALWAYS, the rapist’s fault. how many more times do we have to hammer this home for it to stick in your thick skulls, please??!??!”

“like it’s fked up, i get it — girls have so much more to fear in intoxication. but it’s so damn sad that we have to be ‘protected’, because that implies this kind of danger is inevitable, when it’s not. teach your fkin kids not to rape people, let us deal with the hangovers.”

“the hashtag rly shouldn’t be ‘protect drunk girls’ man, it should be respect tf out of any human being because drunk girls shouldn’t be needing any more protection than drunk guys. that’s exactly what’s wrong here, though — a few drinks and we’re suddenly no longer people ig”

“christine dacera shouldn’t have needed protection. enough of that dialogue. she was a woman who deserved basic, human decency.”

“we would prefer your respect over your protection. we’re not pretty things that need constant guarding. we’re human beings.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @frankiepangilinan)

Source: Showbiz Chika

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