Bianca King resolution for 2021: “no shopping for clothes”; netizen reacts

Actress Bianca King can’t help but react after a netizen questioned her “no shopping for clothes” resolution for the year 2021.

In her Instagram account, Bianca posted a photo of her with her dog. Bianca shared an update to her fans and followers as she said that she has been meditating every day. Bianca also shared that she has not purchased anything other than food from a restaurant. Bianca revealed her resolution for the year 2021 as she wrote:

“Day 3 of 2021. So far, I have meditated everyday and have not purchased anything except food at a restaurant 😉 362 more days to go of daily meditation and no shopping for clothes! Recap of my resolutions for the 2021:⁠

– monotask⁠
– be a minimalist in every way to save money⁠
– continue to be mindful of my consumption & waste ⁠
– no shopping for clothes⁠
– meditate daily (doing 10min for January then increasing to 15min in February and so on…)⁠

Another favorite challenge of mine which I have done multiple times before is to abstain from alcohol. Anyone ever done this before? I lost a lot of weight! what else are you unique resolutions for 2021?⁠”

In the comment section, one netizen questioned one of her resolution and wrote “What’s wrong with shopping clothes?”

To which Bianca answered “absolutely nothing. Personally, I like giving myself yearly challenges of abstaining from something I consider to be NOT good for me. I’m trying to change my mindset about craving things I don’t really need. And also build up my savings further so I can invest it somewhere it will grow. Also, I already have everything I need ♥️🙏”

(Photo source: Instagram – @bianca_king)

Source: Showbiz Chika

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