Richard Gomez reacts to her daughter Juliana being a “sexy girl”

Actor and politician Richard Gomez expressed his thoughts and opinions when her daughter, Juliana is referred to as a ‘sexy girl’.

In an online interview with movie and television writer G3 San Diego for her online show “#LivewithG3”, G3 asked Richard “how do you feel about you know, your daughter Juliana inheriting your sex appeal and the poise, beauty and grace of Lucy Torres. When we see kasi Juliana, nakikita namin yung poise, and beauty and grace of Lucy and the sex appeal of Goma. Anong masasabe mo na your daughter is a very sexy girl.”


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To which Richard answered “well she’s growing up to be a beautiful lady. Yun, I’ve seen her grow. From a toddler now she’s a, she’s what she’s a 20 years old already. And nakikita ko maraming mga umaaligid aligid na mga lalaki sa tabe tabe diyan.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @gomezjuliana / Youtube – @G3 San Diego)


Source: Showbiz Chika

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