G. Tongi posts college diploma: “chew on this”

Actress Giselle “G.” Tongi posted her college diploma on her Instagram account to prove to everyone her educational attainment and to disproved statements that celebrities are ‘dumb’ or ‘mahina ang ulo.’ Obviously, the post was her answer to Arnell Ignacio who posted a vlog reacting to the statement made by Tongi.

On her Twitter account, Tongi posted the following:

“It’s funny when someone doesn’t have the logic to argue about facts. Instead they sling insults that frankly are baseless.Calling artists stupid was a low blow. Yet when a pun is hurled their way, w/c mind you is based on fact, they can’t fight their own fight. Pft, chew on this!”

“Lastly what I will say is this…many artists choose to go into PH politics, but it’s not always to serve the people. It’s a meal ticket. Many aren’t qualified. That’s why I respect the likes of @IskoMoreno who have the intellect & education to back it up. Others, not so much!”

(Photo source: Instagram – @gtongi / Twitter – @gtongi)

Source: Showbiz Chika

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