Jason DHakal comments on Michael Pacquiao’s video: “this makes me want to stop making music”

R&B artist Jason Dhakal expressed his reaction to the success of Michael Pacquiao’s “Hate” performance on Magic Bus. The said video has already garnered almost 10 million views as of this writing.

In a series of tweets, Jason was alluding to the fact that rich artista kids are given better opportunities than those who are less know but talented:

“it’s weird to me how ppl will automatically give a platform to rich artista kids w/ mediocre talent who already are financially set for life while local rappers here risk their livelihood to make music & get 0 recognition lol”

“like u know these ppl make music for capitalism & because that’s the trending sound yet ppl who actually make music & risk their entire future for it get paid no attention i’m kinda tired of having to work 4x harder just because i don’t have an artista parent to depend on lol”

“so much unfairness i’ve witnessed & so much talent not given attention just because their last name is unrecognizable”

“shit like this makes me want to stop making music honestly lol”

(Photo source: Instagram – @jasondhakal / pacquiao.michael)

Source: Showbiz Chika

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