Dawn Chang reacts to integrating sex in school curriculum

“Girltrends” member and model Dawn Chang expressed her opinion regarding the plan of the Department of Education to integrate a comprehensive sex education in school curriculum. This is brought about by the increase of pregnancy about teenagers.

“It’s about time we face the reality. Sex is part of life. Teach young children how to protect themselves instead of telling them NOT to have sex at all.” said Dawn.

“Sex is not just having a sexual intercourse. It is also diacussing about proper hygiene and a lot more. Children must be taught so they grow up informed.” Dawn added.

“Yup! I’m sure every single one of us has a friend who got or got someone pregnant unexpectedly, Protection is way better than abortion and/or dreams being shattered because of unplanned pregnancy.”

(Photo source: Instagram – @thedawnchang)

Source: Showbiz Chika

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