10 reasons why you should definitely come to Connect

Please excuse the rather self-serving article, but we are running a new search event called Connect on 4th & 5th February that we’re very proud of and we think you should come.

We’re aware that you have a choice of many different digital marketing events throughout the year, and you may be wondering what makes ours so special… well. I’ll tell you…

1) It’s in Miami. Look at at Miami, doesn’t it look nice. And it’s almost definitely much warmer than where you are right now…

Courtesy of @iamNigelMorrisImage courtesy of iamNigelMorris

2) More specifically, Connect is taking place at the Ritz-Carlton. Look at the Ritz-Carlton, doesn’t it look nice? And it’s almost definitely much swankier than where you are right now…

ritz carlton

3) Our focus this year is all about putting the user first. Arguably the most important thing you need to be doing as a marketer in 2016. Connect’s two-track educational agenda has been designed to lead the discussion in the very latest technology, strategy and thinking across paid & organic search, in order to acquire and delight customers.

4) There’ll be 500+ of your peers attending. Everyone from SEO specialists, digital marketers, webmasters, developers, business leaders and industry professionals, all of whom you can network with until you’re told to leave the building because the Ritz-Carlton carpets can’t withstand another spilled Pina Colada.

5) It’s difficult to know where to begin with our excellent line-up of speakers. It’s a who’s who of industry leaders and innovators, from brands as diverse as LEGO, Macy’s, MTV, Office Depot, OpenTable and Forrester.

Speakers Connect by Search Engine Watch

Speakers at connect sew

6) I was going to then name all 40+ speakers and call them reasons 8 – 48 but that would be cheating, and you should expect better from us than that.

7) The first ‘must see’ on your speaker list is Avinash Kaushik, Author of Web Analytics 2.0 and Digital Marketing Evangelist at Google.

avinash kaushik

Avinash will be presenting his highly acclaimed See, Think, Do, Care: Driving Innovation from Customer Intent framework during his keynote session on day two, Avinash will be looking beyond search to analyze how ‘Content + Marketing + Measurement’ can transform your campaigns.

8) It’s SEW’s 20th birthday! You should come help us celebrate. We promise not to get all maudlin like we did at our last birthday party.

9) Among many other networking opportunities, we’re most excited about our Thursday night beach party sponsored by Bing. This will take place on the Ocean Front Lawn and through a private entrance to the beach from 6pm – 8pm. Bring as many inflatables as you managed to fit in your travel bag.

Networking Events Connect

10) I’ll be there (yeah, whoop right?) I’ll be giving the introductory remarks and general house-keeping. In fact I could probably save us all some time and cover a few things here… “Hi, welcome to Connect, the fire-exits are towards the back of the room, use the hashtag #connectsew, please don’t forget to top-up your suncream, hecklers will be ejected, thanks for coming!” Nailed it.

Convinced? Great! You can register here.

via Search Engine Watch http://ift.tt/1SnWJpG

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